2022-09-03 278
Discovering houdini vellum 1网盘资源 百度云下载
路径:设计2区/ 315.Discovering houdini vellum 1
Discovering houdini vellum 1网盘资源 百度云目录:
01 Classic dop setup.mp4
01 Classic dop setup.srt
02 Sop based workflow.mp4
02 Sop based workflow.srt
03 Discovering bend A.mp4
03 Discovering bend A.srt
04 Discovering bend B.mp4
04 Discovering bend B.srt
05 Discovering bend C.mp4
05 Discovering bend C.srt
06 Discovering stretch A.mp4
06 Discovering stretch A.srt
07 Discovering stretch B.mp4
07 Discovering stretch B.srt
08 Discovering stretch C.mp4
08 Discovering stretch C.srt
09 Types of hard pins and various mass.mp4
09 Types of hard pins and various mass.srt
10 Soft pin and pin to target constraints.mp4
10 Soft pin and pin to target constraints.srt
11 Norman and tangential component.mp4
11 Norman and tangential component.srt
12 All about mass and calculation mass.mp4
12 All about mass and calculation mass.srt
13 All about thickness, triangulation.mp4
13 All about thickness, triangulation.srt
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